Seating more then one party at a table
under review
Jonathan Linton
We have a bierhall style dinning room where you we have 8 tops but when we do special events we will fill the entire dinning room to max capacity, so reservations smaller then 8 will get sat at the same table to maximize our seating capacity and attendance. could you create a way to seat multiple reservations a 1 table but start separate tabs.
Chad A
Hi Jonathan. This is a workaround that has worked great for us. For example, we have a large oval table that normally seats 8-12 people called M2. However, when we have no large parties but we have parties of say 2 or 3, we split the large table in the table configuration. We do this by creating two smaller tables just near it called M2A & M2B. See screenshot example.
The host just blocks off either the large table (M2) or blocks off the two smaller ones (M2A & M2B). It works perfectly fine.
under review
You'd need to create each seat as a table to do this in the POS and Toast Tables. Then make those seats into combo tables for larger groups.
Jonathan Linton we have done that but it doesn't make it practical to have ever seat set up in the system as one table we broke the tables into parties of 4 and that's still a real big pain
Jonathan Linton Gotcha! Has another waitlist / reservation tool you've used allowed this? Just curious to understand it better. Unfortunately I think breaking tables into broader components is the only way today to make sure that the order from which we pick status updates from the POS is actually at the right table, since the POS doesn't support this concept either.
cc Jim Covino Myanh Truong
Jonathan Linton the pos system has the functionality because we are able to split multiple checks on a single table. And are even able to pre-auth those multiple checks it’s a limitation of the toast tables integration
Jonathan Linton Hi Jonathan! That's true, however Toast Tables as a whole is tied to what actual tables you have set up in the POS (not checks) so we are simply not built to support a change like this. Changing this would be an extremely heavy engineering lift, and not something we'd be able to prioritize anytime soon given other higher priority items.