Configure Tables to be for Walk In's Only (not reservable)
in progress
Jim Covino
in progress
Merged in a post:
Section not open to reservations
Ben Smith Jr.
At the restaurant I work at we have a patio section that isn’t open for reservations and is a first come first serve basis. I wish there was a way that you could put this section into the system without having to block tables so that people don’t make reservations there. Also if there was a way to make a distinction between outside and inside seating so you can easily close off and stop all reservations for outside without having to manually click each and every table.
Merged in a post:
Walk In's Only - Section Non-Reservable
Natasha Holderied Rand
The ability to have more control over the host app would be ideal.
Currently, I can make a section non-reservable to online guests only, it would be nice if I could make that same section non-reservable in the host app (using a manager pin to override a reservation).
This would be ideal for high tops in the bar area, a patio that doesn't have rain coverage, or even a second dining room that often gets booked out to private parties, or closed if a server is sick.
Hi Natasha - Thanks for the feedback. We are already planning to add the ability to mark certain sections or tables as walk-in only, in-house, or online / in-house later this quarter!
cc Jim Covino Myanh Truong
Natasha Holderied Rand hello, just checking in on this! When can we expect this? Thanks!
Natasha Holderied Rand Jim Covinois working on a Beta that allows for this that should be out in the next couple of weeks, in case you want to join!
Tamar Gronowski
You can always remove the tables from being available. It's under the settings option. Just unlick the tables you do NOT want to be available for reservations. I attached a screenshot if that's more helpful =)
+1 - Exactly! This is detailed in the Getting Started article. Look at the Reservations section, under online access:
Brian Anderson
You can already do this. If you make a separate floorplan for your patio you can control whether or is available for reservations or not under the online availability area.
Natasha Holderied Rand
Brian Anderson: This would be nice if it were to be controlled in the host app as well, not just under online availability.