Add ability to make a service area unavailable online for certain days.
Natasha Holderied Rand
I would also like this feature. Creating different service periods would not solve our particular problem.
I would like to be able to control my host app, just like I can control the online reservations. I would like my host to only be able to book reservations in either a specific dining room, or on specific tables, or a percentage of tables. Any overbooking should need a manager approval. OR perhaps just a notification saying "reservations overbooked"
Why? Because often times servers call out last minute, and now I have reservations booked in a dining room that I have to close, and can not fit these guests in the other dining room because that is booked too.
If you could make a "online access settings" version to control the host app, that would solve this issue.
Hi Thomas! You can achieve this by creating different service periods in your Toast Tables settings - one for the week and one for the weekend. Then remove the overflow area from online access during the week.